A Letter to my Wife

Weston Bassler
6 min readDec 2, 2019

Dear Amazing Wife,

You are the most amazing person that I have ever gotten the opportunity to spend time with. I want to start off by saying, thank you so much for allowing me into your life and for allowing me to be the lucky one who gets to know you on such an intimate level. Words cannot even begin to describe how much you mean to me and how thankful I am to have been able to spend almost half of my life with you by my side. Completely on our own, we have weathered and have been through so much together over the years. I am confident most would not have been able to endure. I knew very early that we were destined to be together forever because our love, bond, strength and our compassion for each other could not be matched.

Even after almost 15 years, the sign that hangs in our bedroom, “I Still Fall for You Every Day”, still holds true and I think about it all the time. Not only do I fall for you every day but I also love you more today than I did the day before. It is so hard to put into words how this is even possible. Every new day is another day we get to share together in experiences and learn more about each other. The more experiences we share together and the more I learn about you, the deeper I fall in love you with you.

With this amazing crazy life that we have built together, it becomes difficult to take the time to tell you how thankful I am for you and for all you have given me. I want to take time describe to you some of the things I am grateful for and that make me love you so much. You have given me so much that you don’t realize and I will never be able to thank you enough in this lifetime. You deserve to know what you mean to me and you deserve to be told how you make me feel far more than I do.

You get me

I am not always the easiest person to be around and you have seen me at my worst. From my political rants, to my morning grumpiness, to weird questions I have or something stressing me out, you have made me feel comfortable to come to you about anything that I might have on my mind and have always ensured a judgement free zone. You always know how to best deal with me and you always offer me advice while always looking out for my best interests. You always put me first. You are always patient with me even when I don’t deserve it.

When the whole world doesn’t understand me and doesn’t have time for me, you always do and are always ready to offer a listening ear without making me feel like a burden. You have always made me feel like I matter. You always make the “tough” situations seem better and always talk me off the ledge when I need it. You have always kept an open mind and have pushed me to take some risks by making sure that I always remember “You might only get this chance once in your life.”. I would not be where I am today without you.

You have taught me so much

There is so much that I have learned from you over the years. Clearly too many to list them all here and some too personal to share here but some of my favorite ones include:

Empathy. As a Social Worker, you have always put others over yourself and have made me realize that someone else’s struggle is always greater than my own. You have always challenged me to have an open mind and always refrain from judging others without context. You constantly teach and remind our children that kindness is one of the most important rules of life. We are all people at the end of the day no matter race, gender, preference, etc… Love always wins.

Love and Compassion. Growing up in a more conservative background, it was very rare to openly show affection to loved ones. This does not fly in our house. I lose count of the I love you’s not only to each other but also to our children. Every time I look into your eyes I can feel the love that you have for me as well as the way look at our kids. There is no shame in hiding those feelings. When you look at me, it still gives me those same butterfly feelings in my stomach as when I first met you. When you kiss me, it still takes my breath away and makes my heart race.

Live Life. Always live today as if you might not have the chance for tomorrow. You have always pushed me to take risks and to ride this crazy life for everything it has to offer. You always plan new adventures for us. Tomorrow is never guaranteed and never live in regret.

Being a Man. You have taught me that being a “manly man” is more than being tough or acting in a certain way. Growing up around so much testosterone, I never learned that being a man is so much more. You made me realize that being comfortable with myself, being in touch with my feelings and talking openly are also “manly” because these things are not easy to do. You have taught me that being confident in myself is far more important than the subjected standards of our society.

You are so strong

I have never met a stronger person in my life. You did not let yourself become a statistic in the life that you have had to endure and overcome. Instead, you took the cards that you were dealt and have already achieved far more than most will achieve in a lifetime. You have taught me that if there is something in life that you want, YOU must be the one to go out and get it. To not sit by idle but to take action. Stop whining and make a change. As a feminist, you instill these same principles to our daughters. With you as their mother, I know they are destined to break that glass ceiling and do great things to change this world.

We have been through a lot of really tough times together that most people will never know about. I will always look up to you as a hero because of your will and your strength and for your disregard for “taking shit” in life.

You are so beautiful

This does not just include your physical beauty (could write a book just on this topic alone) but your inner beauty. You have such a kind loving heart who would do anything for our family. You are so patient and understanding with me and our kids even when you are totally overwhelmed with the overflowing plate that you take on. Im still not sure how you do it. You are such a special person to be able to handle so many things at once with such grace and most of time appears to be with such ease.

Your motivation and hunger for life is not only inspirational but also so much appreciated. You constantly want to better us as well as yourself whether that be through self-care or ensuring time for us. You never want to miss out on an opportunity to spend time with me and always want me around. You also even find the time to care for your physical and mental health by going to the gym which just shows that you are in this for the long haul.

You Love Me

At the end of the day, you love me for me. Nobody on this earth loves me or makes me feel the way that you do. You can always overlook my imperfections and my mistakes. You give me such a sense of security and I know that no matter what life throws my way, you will always have my back.

There are so many more things that I could add to the above list. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and appreciate everything you do for me. I don’t believe that there is a luckier person than me and I do not want to take you for granted. I love you and I look forward to every moment that we will get to spend together in the future.

Love you,




Weston Bassler

Husband. Father. Friend. Mentor. Developer. Engineer. | Sr MLOps Eng